Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Embrace Change

Lately, I have experienced a lot of change in my life. Best friends have moved away, new roommates have moved in, a new ward starting Sunday, I could go on and on. I think change can be a good thing, although it is not necessarily a comfortable feeling. I believe we have the opportunity to grow the most when we are out of our comfort zone, and experiencing new things that life has to offer. I know all of you are going through big changes at the moment as well-living in new states, new apartments, having new jobs, adapting to a new culture and a way of life. I guess we can all just embrace and endure this time of life together. So enjoy my friends. Life will never be the same.


  1. oh crizzle. things will be the same when we live next door to each other in mesa! haha. love you, miss you, come to mesa!

  2. haha, well that's true. until then... and yes, i do need to come to mesa! i can't believe you went to disneyland. mom would be so sad to know that you were so close to home! i feel fine about it because i was not there.
